This isn’t just something that the elderly do, but it seems to happen to them a lot more often than others. We don’t mean the poop thing, we mean sending a message to someone or posting on Facebook while you’re trying to ask Google something embarrassing. This set of messages ends up being quite a bit more embarrassing than most other examples.
We imagine this kind of cleanup is no easy task, so asking Google is a good idea. Make sure that you are actually asking Google, though. Don’t you just love it when someone uses the wrong tool for the wrong purpose? Exhibit A!
Voice to Text
This one hits hard. Not only do we have the profile picture of a befuddled grandfather changed to look like the camera is in the sink and he's about to do the dishes, but we also get the voice-to-text bonus. The thing about that particular technology is it can make anyone sound like they're touched in the head.
If you don't even know what your phone is doing, it's going to result in something like this – hilarious for everybody except the person that posted it. We hope he got to that picture of him right now, whatever he's looking for.
Which One Is the Real Him?
We aren't exactly sure what that first character is, but it looks a lot like the “thorn,” a letter from the Icelandic alphabet. It's pronounced "th," which means we have lots of people named Thorg on Facebook here. Except it's actually just one person.
Thorg can never remember his login password, so every time he wants to see how his friends are doing, he creates a brand new account. His birthday is on November 18th, which means everybody on his list gets half a dozen (or more) birthday notifications for the same person. Maybe it's just a clever way to make sure no one forgets.
Please, Grandma, Stop
A lot of those of “advanced wisdom,” as we enjoy calling them, have a problem picking up new things. Modern music is scary, modern movies are too fast, and modern advertising looks like a dystopian nightmare. That means that if one of them managed to figure something out, they're going to make sure everyone knows about it.
It's just like the saying goes – give a grandma some confetti, and she'll celebrate her day. Teach a grandma how to make unlimited confetti, and she'll celebrate every single day of her life. Even if it is only over text messages and only on one specific platform.
Telling Off Juanita
Sue just wanted to leave her impressions of her waffle maker – something that apparently not only makes waffles but grilled cheese and french toast. That's what we call using your head, Sue. Juanita didn't like the way that Sue left her comment, however, since it was all in caps, and that's kind of a no-no on the internet.
Sue explains she has poor eyesight and also tells us a few things about Juanita. It seems like it comes out of nowhere just a little bit, but Juanita was being pretty unfriendly while Sue was just trying to talk about her waffle maker.
Gotta Do What You Gotta Do
Maybe it's been a little while since you've actually read a user agreement or privacy policy, but it can sometimes be really important to know what you're getting into. Maybe you don't have a lot of time to read those big things when you're just trying to sign up for a website or something.
But there are those out there that want to make sure they know it all. The woman who owns this phone, for some reason, took a copy of her phone's screen and printed out a page to make sure she could read it when she wanted. Dedication.
The Deets on Emojis
When it comes to emojis, it's like we have been sent back to the stone age. We are communicating with images instead of words. While kids seem to intuitively understand emojis like the back of their hand – they have been using them all their lives, after all – some older messages might not get the idea of some of them.
Also, they are pretty small, so those with poor eyesight might not have any idea what they're sending. This mom needed a little bit of an explainer from her daughter, and we wish we could see more because it is hilarious.
Selling Point
Trying to sell something online has been fraught with issues ever since it was first introduced, and a lot of those issues continue to this day – mostly because the problem is actually people. Buying something on a social media site like Facebook is even harder, and this exchange is one of the obvious reasons why.
The person on the left seems to be a bit confused about the whole thing, at first interested in the dish rack and then totally lost about who is selling what. There is probably a good explanation for it, but this is still pretty funny.
This Is Your Fault
Oh no! Not the attorney general! He already has so many other cases of...people communicating online with each other to deal with! Don't you just love that the person that opened the discussion is now getting snippy and aggravated just because the seller responded like a normal person?
He or she didn't do anything rude or untoward at all – just gave a simple confirmation of availability. And then the original person starts demanding to be left alone because they are sleeping. Now they had to go and drag the attorney general into it? We don't think it works that way.
Sorry to Hear That
We are in two camps here. The first is that this person needed to make a little announcement to all the members of her craft group that she won't be able to pick up any of their creations for a little while. She chose a happy picture because she didn't want to bum anybody out too much.
It was intentional. The other option is that she had no idea what she was doing but did want to tell others she had lost her job. She didn't mean to create such a cheery image to go along with the message; that's just what happened.
The Solution to All of Life's Problems
Your pancakes need a little bit of something? Coconut oil. Need to ease that sunburn? Coconut oil. Lubricant to get that last pesky bolt off of a car project? You already know the solution. Yes, coconut oil is truly our modern age's wonder substance, being able to do almost anything – even if you're online.
As far as one of these people knows, it can even be used to help you log out of Facebook, believe it or not. We can not tell if it would be funny if these two black blobs were different people or the same confused person.
Yup, That's Grandpa
Cameras aren't the simplest things in the world to use – especially since you can trigger them without knowing it now – but it's not like they're that tough, right? So why is it that so many people one might call “older” have such a hard time with them? Well, there are a lot of potential reasons.
What's hilarious about this image is not only the fact it's available for all to see online as his Facebook profile picture, it's the fact that he managed to put it there along with that corgi-fairy sticker! To be fair, it is pretty cute sticker!
Proud of Her Hard Work
Already we can sort of see what's going on in this picture, but there's a little more to the story. Grandma picks out a super fresh outfit, and the granddaughter in question wants to give Gma some props on Snapchat. She also texts her grandmother that same snap so that Grandma knows she did well.
Already we're at a couple of levels of technology, but then Grandma goes the extra distance and prints the picture out, eventually framing it. It's a cute story all around, without a doubt, but the picture of a printed-out picture that has texted from Snapchat is very...grandparent.
Fine, I'll Thank Myself
If Uncle Ed had just sent a Merry Christmas message accompanied by a Christmassy Spongebob Squarepants gif, that would have been one thing, but the story didn't end there. After about two hours of radio silence. Uncle Ed took matters into his own hands.
The nephews and nieces are not responding to his holiday well-wishes? He'll thank himself, thank you very much, and he'll do it in a way that will have everyone else hanging their heads in shame. In reality, there is probably a message that didn't get delivered to everybody or something like that, but still. Say it back, people.
The Oddities of Facebook Marketplace
The art of communication has been lost, it seems. Or, at least, no one is going to find it on Facebook Marketplace. Even if you've only dipped your toes into that stagnant water, you know that people are uncommunicative, rarely tell you what you want to know, and will send messages like this one, with little information and lots of questions.
The obvious question here is why did this person ask if it was available if he wasn't interested? Did another seller respond that much faster? It doesn't look like much time has passed. C'mon, Maurice – at least give us an explanation.
There's No Other Way
If you join a big group on Facebook, you're going to get a lot of notifications, and those can end up being annoying if you don't know what to do with them. However, there is a solution: you can silence your phone. Or, you could go into your settings and set the group to not send you notifications. We're pretty sure that's an option!
But no, this person decided that neither of those options was good enough. For him, the only way to get some good sleep is to leave the group. Honestly, there are worse things to do. Getting good sleep is super important.
What We All Needed to Hear
Scott here is a little new to the whole thing, so let's walk him through everything. The Home Page is where people post angry things about news stories that end up being fake, so don't go there. Trust us. Your messages page is where you can talk directly to other people or entire groups of people.
The group's section has lots of groups that you'll join and then regret joining almost immediately. Finally, Facebook Marketplace is where you can ask if something is available, hear that yes, it is, ask when you can come to buy it, and then be told it's been sold already.
Stupidity Plus Belligerence
Facebook can be a little unintuitive to the uninitiated, but some people seem to have way more trouble with it than they should. This person accidentally asked the huge retail company Tesco what it was up to, and since it was a public forum, a couple of people responded. You know, just having a bit of a laugh.
The original poster just couldn't wrap her mind around Facebook and started demanding things of people she was in no place to demand. Before you start getting angry, take a step back to see if you're in the wrong. It will help with a lot of things.
I'm Not Angry, I Swear
Emojis, reactions, emoticons, whatever you want to call them, are a really handy part of the online age, with quick responses at people's fingertips and a quick way to display those complicated emotions that some people just can not put into words. Like “happy” or “sad.” Words like that.
This person was just trying to zoom in on a picture to get a better look at the cuteness, and Facebook decided it would be angry today. This is the rare example of the system itself messing up while the old person was in complete control and even knew why it had happened.
Taking Things Slow
This person wants a food bowl for his or her little pooch and wants to know if they have any that say Snickers on it. From what we know of this kind of seller, it's probably the kind of thing that you can customize, but explaining that to this person will likely take some time.
Why every word has to be its own little sentence fragment is quite beyond us, but we have a guess. It's possible that the person was trying to hit the spacebar – many systems will add a period if you hit it twice after a word.
Maybe Don't Rate It, Then
We're...confused. Why leave a review if you've never been there? Why make that review one star instead of something more in the middle of the road? WHY LEAVE A REVIEW IF YOU'VE NEVER BEEN THERE?! And it isn't even like Pam loves leaving reviews – it says right in the picture that she has one review.
It's that one, that review we're looking at. That's her one review. Did she think she was being strong-armed into leaving a review for this place she had never been to? We can't think of a place that would do that, especially not, as this seems to be, Google.
Classic Comedy at Its Finest
These bits are killing us. This is like the kind of writing that you'd see if you turned on the TV back in the sixties – no fart jokes, no body shots, just clever gags that are perfect for the whole family. Of course, Martina didn't understand that a PM actually meant a private message.
That's a more modern development that has become popular in just a few years – sending entire corporations private messages has never been done before. Martina didn't get it, and she was already thinking about time, so she responded in the way that made the most sense.
Wrong Place, Right Time
We can not confirm the actual age of this person, but since he or she is going to study medicine for a few years, they are likely to be a bit younger than most of the other examples on this list. Just goes to show you can be old even if the calendar does not say so.
Anyway, this person left this personal, heartfelt, and well meaning message as a comment on an article about a Nickelodeon child star, so we are not sure who is supposed to see it. Also, don't they have Facebook in England? We're going to go out on a limb and say yes.
Happy Birthday to the Lost iPhone
What a kind gesture, when you think about it – somebody lost their phone, which very well might be a huge part of their life, and someone else found it. How to get it back to the rightful owner? A message on a public forum where people might go looking, that's it.
But how to get their attention for this important issue? A big, bright, colorful image that has a guy with no hands celebrating a birthday. There, that should do it. Did the phone get back to its rightful owner? We don't know, but this was a good attempt anyway.
What Did You Do, Margaret?
Margaret seems to like the Lake District a little bit too much if you get our meaning. A man died while he was out walking with some “friends” in the district, and then Margaret hops into the comments section to talk about how much she loves it? That would raise the eyebrows of even the greenest detective.
Time to make a stop at Margaret's flat and start asking the tough questions. Like, were you in the Lake District during a certain day, at a certain time, wielding a certain murder weapon? But this comment sums up the following message - read the chatroom, people!
Identity Theft Is Very Serious
Lots of people got their Facebook accounts hacked or manipulated back in the day, and we are sure that it still happens plenty today, but it was a big problem before other websites started vying for the top spot. Getting your Facebook hacked was common enough that it might have happened to you or a few people that you are friends with.
We guess that some people started finding it funnier than it should be, like this commenter. Was the cry-laughing emoji a mistake, or was this person just trying to cheer Kathy up? We may never ever, ever know.
Well, Now Everybody Knows
There are ways to make sure that the internet doesn't know every single little thing about you. In fact, it's probably a good idea not to have all that information out there for everybody to see – some accounts aren't as secure as others.
This guy wanted to get that information off of Facebook – reasonable – and he just didn't know how he was supposed to do it. You just ask it to do it, right? Hilariously, this is more or less what an Alexa is, but he was ahead of the times by a bit. Or, at least, asking the wrong computer.
Fine, I'll Come Over and Help
This isn't just something that the elderly do, but it seems to happen to them a lot more often than others. We don't mean the poop thing, we mean sending a message to someone or posting on Facebook while you're trying to ask Google something embarrassing. This set of messages ends up being quite a bit more embarrassing than most other examples.
We imagine this kind of cleanup is no easy task, so asking Google is a good idea. Make sure that you are actually asking Google, though. Don't you just love it when someone uses the wrong tool for the wrong purpose? Exhibit A!
Grandma Is Always Supportive
It's been said that grandparents really sort of need their grandkids. At the same time, grandchildren sometimes really need their grandparents – the people that will bake them cookies and tell them stories and help them out. We love to see the communication between the generations.
A grandchild sends an emoji of a chicken's head exploding for some reason, and Grandma is ready to laud her grandbaby with respect for being such a creative person. But Grandma, why is the exploding chicken head cute? Go on, Grandma. Tell us. Truth be told, they would have done a better job if they just drew the darn piece of poultry.
Facebook Doesn't Know Everything
There are a lot of people on Facebook, and we guess that might even mean there are some smart people on Facebook, too, but we have yet to see any evidence. Still, asking a question on Facebook is bound to get you some kind of response that might be helpful.
This grandma needed to renew her driver's license, so...she just posted that on FB. We can't even see this small detail, but apparently, the grandma then liked her own post. Well, at least she had her own back. Truth be told, renewing your driver's license is very important, but this is not the place to do it.
Don't Be So Anxious
The grandma of this entry was doing nothing less than sending some good wishes to some cousins on their anniversary. What a sweet old lady. Good job, Grandma. Uh, and then she added a picture of a bald Asian man looking really worried about something. Why? We don't know. Grandma does not know either.
Apparently, she added that picture and was not even aware of it. Like, she had no idea the picture was even there. Somehow she was able to add that very specific image to the post, and she was not in control of it in any way.
And Us as Well
Things are complicated these days. New important information is always popping up, even if it is only important information to those weirdos on Twitter. Mary is just trying to figure everything out – what does she need to be worried about? Anything or everything?
It is a good thing Mary (that would be the same Mary) is also trying to figure things out. At least she did not accidentally like her own post. That would just be the icing on top of this old person's internet cake. The only kind of old-person cake that is acceptable. We absolutely love the transparency.
Just About Done With This Internet Thing
Sometimes you just can't even anymore. Sometimes you just can't even at all. There is no more to even with at all. Whoever this is has decided that these fancy smartphone things just aren't going to work out. Check out those three text messages and try to say that whoever this is has the skills to improve.
We think that he or she should probably just go back to writing letters by hand. Actually, maybe we all should. It's become a lost art. Whatever the case may be, we have absolutely not idea what this person was trying to write. It's a mystery until this very day.
The Meaning Is Lost to Us
The older generations have a lot of wisdom to impart to the younger generations, but we are not sure if this example qualifies. There are probably a lot of better places to pick up a tuna sub than Subway. Maybe there is some sort of brilliance behind this simple statement.
Maybe Grandma is telling us that the solution to some of life's problems is nothing more than a bit of comfort food from your favorite sandwich shop. A tuna sub might be a bit of an odd choice, but we guess some people really like it. Maybe there was supposed to be a photo with this?
You Aren't the Only One
Just because you have an internet connection and a Facebook account doesn't mean that you're ready for all the super, super weird stuff that can go on in the dark corners. Or even the well-lit corners these last couple of years. Still, the best part about the internet is you have all the control.
You only have to follow the accounts that you like, join the groups you like, and friend the people you like. If you end up not liking those things, you can back out just as fast. The power is in your hands. No one is forcing you to go into or out of any FB group.
The Daily Dose of Goodness
Grandmas and grandpas might not use social media and the internet the exact same way we all do it, and maybe that's for the best. What other kind of person would think it's the right idea to post a picture of her smile on the internet every day?
Kids might think that they have to do all their makeup and post full selfies, but only a grandma will think that all the internet needs to see is the smile – and only the smile. You can't even see the nose in this image, but we can all see that big, beautiful smile.
Grandma Is a Savage
This story starts with a grandchild wishing a grandma a happy birthday, and immediately (we are saying that is the very next thing) the grandmother drops a squirrel that is squared up and ready to rumble against an opposing street gang, an invasion of armed toughs, or anything else.
Grandma just wanted to know when she was going to get a visit from the grandkids, and she posted a picture that had the words she wanted. The words might not be saying exactly what she thinks, but it is a pretty close guess. We just love it when worlds (or ages) collide.
Is Copying Like Stealing?
Copy/paste is one of the premium technological tools. You can take huge amounts of text and transfer it to a different article with just a few clicks or move a picture around, and there are even files that you can organize in a flash. But still, there are some people that have a hard time getting the hang of things.
We do not know what exactly this person was trying to do, but it certainly did not work. Amazingly, just typing the word “paste” got this person nothing worthwhile. You take it correctly that it did not work. Well done for assuming as much.
So What Did You Type?
We do not know exactly what is going on here, but it clearly didn't turn out the way anybody was hoping. This person was trying to type...well, we're not sure what he or she was trying to type. It wasn't "friend," certainly, but it's pretty hard for us to figure out what it is that was supposed to be there.
Autocorrect has gotten all of us at one point or another, but we aren't even really sure what is supposed to be here. Or is this person saying that he or she didn't want a single word there at all?
Hold the Power Button, Hit the Home Button...
While lots of people have it down to a t, screenshotting your phone is still not the easiest thing. You have to have a certain amount of physical dexterity. This person, whoever it is, must not know exactly what you can do with a phone.
He or she has...taken a picture with the phone, then taken a picture of that picture, and then posted the picture as part of an item that is being sold. We feel like there could have been a better way to do it. Also, wow, they must really want to get rid of that lawnmower.
We Were Promised No Math
We're going to do our best to figure out what's happening here. Obviously, this person probably shouldn't have posted this weirdo status, but it got posted anyway, and now here we are. The leading guess that we have is that this person's touchpad is malfunctioning, and guess which key keeps getting triggered by accident.
There are actually a few words in there, but it's not like anything legible is included. In fact, the only things that are more than just conjunctions or something like that are the word “kid” and the word “index.” And we don't think that means anything.
Just Keeps Getting Worse
This strange picture has a lot to take in, and worst of all is the fact that Mrs. Smith can't seem to string together a single sentence that looks good. We know that typing on the phone can sometimes be a bother, and maybe you just don't want to have to deal with backspacing and retyping stuff, but it's not that hard on a computer.
Even if you aren't fast, you can hunt and peck the keys and make something that is at least legible. Did people lose all their spelling and grammar skills as soon as the internet hit?
Don't Worry, You Don't Sound Ugly
Air fryers do seem to be surprisingly popular on Facebook, but maybe that is because they are quite handy. You can fry stuff. But, you know, with air. They are able to make food a lot healthier, and they are not that expensive. But apparently, not everybody is a fan of them!
This person, for instance, does not want to see them anymore on his or her home page. Instead, this person begs others to take to private messages or form a group or something because there are just too many air fryers all over the place. To be fair, we love air fryers.
But...But You Just...
“I don't know how to post,” she says in the post. So either she is a liar, or she is a lot smarter than she realizes. However, we have to give some props to this lady since she is at least being quite positive about the whole thing. She might not know how all this new-fangled social media gobbledygook works.
But she still likes what she can find when she logs on. We wonder what kind of group this is. Knitting? Baking? Air fryer appreciators? There are tons of groups on FB, so this really could be anything. Trampolines, maybe.
You Don't Have to Shout About It
Okay! Fine! You prefer Texas Roadhouse! We hear that there are lots of great things about that restaurant, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to go dissing Manny's Steakhouse! Carte Blanche is, for the record, a steakhouse in Texas. Just so we're all on the same page.
Also, maybe this person is right to yell about Texas Roadhouse – at least that place hasn't raised the prices like Manny's. Ah, who are we kidding? Everybody's raising prices these days. That's just the way things go. Anyway, please stop yelling. Look, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, even in all caps.
Sorry, I Didn't Have My Reading Glasses On
Oh. Well. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to, uh, make it sound like I was happy about that. In fairness to the first person, it's a little hard to tell exactly what is going on in the attached story, which was apparently, “We are no longer looking for our missing person. We would like to thank the public for their assistance."
We don't think it's unfair for someone to think that's good news! But, just like always, the person probably didn't read the entire article. It turns out the missing person wasn't found alive and well. That is, obviously, not wonderful news.
No Swearing on My Facebook
Sure, we get it. There are a lot of people out there who don't appreciate cuss words that much. Understood. Hey, there are people of all stripes. This grandma was not interested in seeing them, but she also thought that they were being sent directly to her.
Her grandbaby very gently corrected her, saying that it was not directed to Grandma, it was just a public post. Grandma Rose still wants to figure out if there is a way for FB to stop sending her such filthy, filthy messages. There is – you can exempt certain friends from seeing your posts.
Slow Down!
We can barely keep up with all those greetings! We have to respond to each one, one at a time, so we will be done in about thirty minutes. Button mashing does not really work as well on phones as it does on a keyboard. You can't just slap your hand on the phone and get a big bunch of unintelligible words.
The phone tries to make something out of them, and we get stuff like this. Whether it was intentional but badly done or these messages came from a pocketed phone, we have all gotten some of these messages.
Okay. Right.
Yes, that picture would certainly fulfill the criteria of teaching counting and giving a child nightmares, but look closer. This sculpture(?) doesn't even have the number eight on it. One through seven, and then it goes straight to a... musical note? We feel like that's a pretty big mistake in something that is supposed to TEACH COUNTING.
And then, of course, a comment that makes absolutely no sense. Unless someone else that sees the comment has just lost their beloved white male poodle. Overall, this a pretty good post, and one that certainly belongs on this list and in your nightmares.
Mom, Did You Kill Jenny's Cat?
We are pretty sure that Tramp is another, different cat that was owned by someone in the family. Or some other pet. And then Mom drops a sneaky side-eye emoji that makes us think she had a little more to do with the cat's death than she is letting on.
We do not even know what she could be TRYING to communicate with that sort of emoji. Was she looking at new cats to get Jenny? Is that supposed to be a sad face? Did Mom not like the cat, and is glad it's gone? There are too many options.
We Aren't the Real Senators
The Harrisburg Senators are a minor league team that hails from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. They're the Double-A affiliate of the Washington Nationals, which is about as close to real power as they get. Ethel really wanted to make sure people knew her stance on the matter, so she tweeted this same all-caps screed about preventing voter fraud to everybody she came across on Twitter.
Well, as long as there's only one noisy weirdo during election season on that platform, that's all right. (Checks Twitter) Oh noo........ Truth be told, in this day an age, any organization sporting the red, white and blue can be misleading for any random spectator.
Keeping Up with Grandma
Before Facebook began asking us what was on our minds, there was always Grandma. She’s among the first people we run to with news of any kind. And this is a two-way street. Grandma is as eager to share, and her skills have reached the ultimate level since joining Facebook. You can try to keep proposal plans under wraps.
But as soon as Grandma catches wind of them, you can bet there will be comments everywhere on your Facebook page. Bless her heart, she just wants you to be in the loop, but sometimes her excitement can get the best of her. Grandma probably has more Facebook friends than you. You can count on her for everything, even spreading the word far and wide! Especially that!
The Things We Do for Food
You have to give it to Grandma for always keeping it real. Sure, she might be dangerously walking the line between candid and inappropriate, but she’s out there asking the right questions, ok? Everything about this is chaotic – the abrupt comment, her profile picture that appears to be an upside-down American flag, and the disturbing fact that Harold seems to have been buried alive!
Grandma NEEDS to know the recipe. She’s thought about it far too often and for too long now. It’s so urgent that she typed “potota” instead of “potato.” Was it paprika or cumin, Diane? How were those potatoes so creamy, Diane? We’re sorry Grandma, but we're sure Diane’s taken the recipe to her grave.
Breaking the System
It looks like someone decided to take control of their Facebook destiny. They’ve accidentally uploaded tips and tricks to bypass the system in their profile bio. Are you sick of algorithms running your life? Meet the genius who has figured that the best way to beat the system is from within – use Facebook to trash Facebook!
It’s all very (ahem) meta! So, you thought you were a social media ninja? Meet Grandma, commonly referred to as “Hey Boomer!” She’s the queen of stealth mode when she wants to be. Nobody tells Grandma what she can or can’t see on her news feed! Grandma’s like a hacker, but instead of breaking into computers, she's breaking into and dismantling the fabric of Facebook itself.
When Xbox Meets Breakfast
Crazy things happen when people skip coffee in the morning or forget their glasses. Everyone’s confused about what’s up for sale. Is it an Xbox? Is it breakfast? Can we order either on Amazon Prime? Seriously people - pay attention! The post isn't about an Xbox.
That is clearly a picture of breakfast, or have we all become collectively blind? You know what they say - people only see things they want to see. But did we anticipate people taking things so literally? They also say anything can happen on the internet, and that's probably the only thing that makes sense here.
Breaking Up with Facebook
Go, grandma, go! It looks like someone’s finally reached her breaking point with Facebook and is ready to throw in the towel for good. We’ve all had days when we’re determined to break free from the shackles of social media and reclaim our digital independence.
We know that if anyone can do it, Grandma probably can! But only time will tell if she can resist the lure of cute cat videos or pictures of her grandkids. Plus, what would Facebook be without her epic rants and hilarious opinions? Like most of us, maybe all she needs is a little social media detox.
Lost in the Facebook Feed
Grandma’s always eager to learn new things but technology can be a bit much some days. The Facebook feed and its infamous clutter are every grandma’s nightmare - a sea of posts, videos, and notifications. Where are her classes? How does anyone find anything in this mess? Every click takes her further away from her goal. The cherry on the cake?
A smiling and bouncing Facebook avatar - what joy despite everything! Grandma trying to navigate Facebook is both hilarious and endearing. While we may chuckle, let’s admit that everyone secretly admires her determination to learn and grow. Here's to you. Keep exploring the digital world and all of its wonders. We'll be right here, cheering you on every step of the way.
Late to the Party
Grandma, you social media superstar, you! We know you’re a trailblazer. When you say anything or leave a comment on a post, it's always a moment to remember. This time, you really outdid yourself! You stumbled on your niece's relationship status five years too late! Of all the awkward and hilarious moments with an ex, this takes the cake!
It's as if you're living in a time capsule, and we can't help but love you for it, Grandma. No judgments here because Facebook can be a maze to navigate. Meanwhile, we’re living for quirky and hilarious grandma moments on Facebook. You’re one of the only reasons we keep returning to the platform! Don’t tell Zuckerberg.
A Facebook Search Party
Social media connects us with people we love and helps us stay updated with their lives. It’s also a place of hilarious, sometimes cring-ey moments - especially when grandparents mistake the Facebook status bar for an internet browser.
Sure, the internet is a vast and complex place but it's unlikely that Facebook is the best place to find Indian corn. Maybe one of their Facebook friends does know where to find Indian corn - it could happen, and you know it! Let’s not forget that this faux pas could have been much worse. We know how wild most people’s search histories can be.
When Facebook Becomes a Recipe Database
Do you remember when we used Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family? No? Neither do we. Word on the street is that Facebook shows you what it thinks you should see – in this case, food groups, recipes, and perhaps a subscription to Good Housekeeping.
We don’t blame the older generation for mistaking Facebook for Google. Why use two different platforms for the same kind of noise and clutter? Alas, it doesn’t work that way. The next time your grandma or grandpa searches for recipes on Facebook, give them a break from adulting for one day.
Let the Good Vibes Remain
Receiving a comment on an old Facebook status is like a sudden blast from the past, reminding us of moments we thought we had left behind. But when grandma’s involved, it can be hilarious. Helen has stumbled upon an exciting status update just 14 years too late.
The update might be old, but her happiness transcends time and space (as it should!). She’s found a virtual time capsule and loves what she sees! All of us could do with a Helen in our lives. She’s the kind who reminds you of the good times – of who you were and how far you’ve come since. Bless Helen, the ultimate hype girl from the future.
Too Blessed to be Stressed
The infamous "no comment" comment. If you have nothing to say, why say anything at all, right? Ironically, it’s the perfect comment: short, sweet, and to the point. “I’m not going to comment”- five words that say everything without saying anything at all. This person sounds tired of all the drama.
Why engage when you can sit back and watch it all unfold? Pass the popcorn, will you? Perhaps they want to make a statement by not participating. Either way, this person knows the value of observing and not saying a word. Less is more, and the less you engage in arguments on social media, the better.
Death is a Confusing Time
Social media can be a bit of a mixed bag. You never know what you're going to get - happy pictures with sad news, sad pictures with happy news, or cat memes to help deal with anything life throws at us. And then, there was the case of the confusing death announcement.
They say you should celebrate a person’s life when they die but this might be a bit much. Still, we’re giving them the benefit of the doubt and assume they know nothing about Facebook avatars. Maybe they’re trying to stay positive. It’s confusing - but hey, who are we to tell people how to grieve?
For the Love of Bread, Who is Amanda
This post makes us hangry. We understand being blown away by delicious bread. That’s still no excuse to forget the important things in life – like telling the world who Amanda is. The world needs to know about this talented bread maker. It seems someone willfully “forgot” to tag her because they want all that delicious bread to themselves.
We might be jumping the gun, but food can make us do crazy things. We have so many questions. Who is Amanda? More importantly, what kind of bread are we talking about here? A soft brioche, a crusty baguette, or even the underrated white bread – give us the details! If anyone knows who Amanda is or where we can find her bread, hit us up immediately!
A Guide to Leaving Toxic Facebook Groups
We've all been there. Who among us hasn’t joined a group with the best intentions, only to find ourselves mired in drama and negativity? It can be a real drag on your sanity and mental health. Leaving a Facebook group is no joke, however. It can be the equivalent of trying to escape a cult.
Your departure can seriously offend the group admin or other followers – even worse if you know some people in real life. So, does one sit there and suffer in silence or pull off a daring escape? Fearless Gramps and Gammy are having none of it. They don’t care about social landmines and niceties. All they want is out, and we say, “Please, take us with you!”
That’s Quite the Testimonial
No judgments from us. Stomach issues only grow worse as you get older, and they can be incredibly painful. Thank goodness for antacids - superheroes for the stomach that swoop in to save the day! And if you're pooping bricks, well, that just means the pills are working, right?
Poor Ann must have intensely felt the burn to be laying down bricks like a master builder. Not only did she live to tell the tale, she also made sure to write about it on a public forum! Who cares about sounding silly when a testimonial could make a difference in people’s lives?
Oops! Wrong Place
Talk about a case of mistaken identity! This person forgot to check where they were commenting before hitting that congrats button. Unfortunately for these well-wishers, the couple is probably too busy dealing with dirty diapers and sleepless nights to be scrolling through Allegra ads.
Maybe they will stumble upon it much later - when they need allergy relief from all that baby dander. Regardless, cheers to the new parents. They deserve all the love and support they can get. And to the well-wishers, let's remember we're in the right place before we hit that comment button next time, shall we?
Location is Everything
Social media mishaps are a dime a dozen, but this trumps everything - because, location, location! Let’s play devil’s advocate and say an accident on Moorland Road could be considered “amazing” - not that we're suggesting anyone should try it! Maybe the road has beautiful views and quaint cafes.
If you’re in a fender bender it might as well be memorable, and at a prime location Jokes aside, let's hope everyone involved in the accident is alright and receiving the care they need. Meanwhile, this person might want to double-check their tags before posting. We wouldn't want any more "amazing accidents" getting lost in the mix.
Her Memory Isn’t What it Used to Be
The perils of memory loss! Perhaps Mary has been so consumed with life that she momentarily forgot she was already in this amazing group. Brain fog hits when you least expect it. We’ve lost count of the times we entered the kitchen and forgot why or misplaced our keys.
Forgetting a Facebook group is highly plausible! But let’s not forget the real reason why Mary commented in the first place - her love and enthusiasm for the group. We’re sure this little snafu brought some lightheartedness and laughter all around. Welcome (again!) to the group, Mary! Continue spreading smiles, having fun, and reminding us not to take things too seriously.
If You Didn’t Take Pictures, Did it Even Happen?
There's nothing like a good old Facebook status to keep us entertained. So, when someone posts "At my son's wedding" without any pictures, we don’t know what to feel. It's hard to tell whether congratulations or condolences may be in order. Do you remember emojis? Even a somewhat undecided smiley would have made all the difference.
Did they have a blast? Are they waiting to object to the wedding when the priest asks? Are they hiding out in the bathroom to avoid the bride's mother? Oh, the potential for drama! Perhaps this is an attempt at being ironic. There's something funny about announcing a major life event on Facebook without any proof of it. Either way, this one's a novelty, and the suspense is killing us!
Who is Amanda?
Are you there, Amanda? Amanda sounds like that friend who has a phone but doesn’t reply to texts or calls. Nobody knows where she is or what she does. But a social media notification might get her attention faster.
Amanda could actually be a super dedicated soccer player with her head always in the game. Who knows? But it’s more likely that her friend is an adorable but super confused grandma who has signed up for a soccer team. Stranger things have happened on Facebook. We’re rooting for you either way. We hope you found each other and had an excellent game!
Festival of Lights and Superheroes
Get well soon, and also, happy Hanukkah, Jeremy Renner! Hawkeye sounds like he’s indisposed. The legendary hero has no idea about the extra healing powers coming his way. This super fan’s wishes are complete with candelabras and all the Hannukah trimmings!
Miracles do happen during the Festival of Lights. Perhaps the power of the menorah will help him recover in no time. It’s not something you see every day on Facebook and may inspire others to get creative with their avatars. Let’s hope this isn’t a forewarning to a wacky crossover episode - where Hawkeye must fend off a menorah-wielding crime syndicate.
The Great Doughnut Mix Up
Online delivery is an insanely wonderful thing! But leaving your order in the customer review section takes the cake - or in this case, the doughnut! Did the online store fulfill the doughnut order? That would be a wonderful sweet surprise!
In this case, you just know the person had to make an angry call, insisting they placed the order. Lesson learned: always double-check the section before placing your doughnut order online. There’s nothing worse than ordering food online and having it never arrive. We can all agree that it takes a while to bounce back from a disappointment like that.
Ads, Begone!
It's not uncommon to see sponsored ads on our social media feeds, but sometimes we forget that these ads are, in fact, sponsored. Social media can be a fast-paced and confusing place – an infamous hotbed of misunderstanding and disinformation. So, it's understandable that someone might become infuriated by an ad.
Don’t you? All of us share a love-hate relationship with social media, regardless of age. Sometimes ads can unknowingly strike a nerve or pop when you’re having a rough day. It's a good reminder that social media can be a challenging space, especially for those who didn't grow up with it.
75, Fabulous, and Facebook Free
Good on her for emerging from the depths of Facebook oblivion, seemingly unscathed and (dare we say) happier. What better way to make a grand entrance than announcing that you turned 75? Celebrating alone doesn’t sound ideal, but it doesn’t seem like it bothered her.
She probably had the entire cake to herself, played her favorite songs on repeat, and enjoyed her own company. But enough about the past because she’s back online and still in celebration mode. Why choose to share this information with the group? We’re not sure. Maybe it’s her new-found confidence or a subtle dig at “past friends” who forgot to wish her.
No Shiddd-ing! These Dressers are as Good as New
Is anyone in the market for dressers that have never been, shall we say, "used" in that way? Well, you're in luck because here’s just the thing for you! This ad borders on the bizarre but believes it is achieving something.
The two dressers have "never been shiddd in,” how unbelievably reassuring - as fresh as the day they were made. Plus, these dressers come with a special message for Debra. Who knows, maybe the good luck of these never-shiddd-in dressers will rub off and bring Debra back into this person’s life. But we’re beginning to understand why she bolted in the first place.
When to Slide Into DMs: a Guide
Talk about a Facebook post that doesn't beat around the bush! This person needs a ride to Mabel's funeral and is willing to ask their entire friend list for help. It’s not like they need a ride to Glastonbury! Sure, put that up for the world to see!
Funerals are somber events, and private DMs to friends are the way to go! One of those moments when sliding into DMs is the only acceptable way. The smiling emojis on this Facebook post are the cherry on the cake. It's like they missed the memo on what smiling emojis represent. Navigating social media can be tricky. A little awareness and sensitivity go a long way.
Keto Grief
What we have is a classic case of ambushing the discussion! On a Facebook post about the unfortunate passing of Lisa Marie Presley, Patricia decides to chime in with stories about her diabetes and keto diet. Bless your heart, Patricia, but what does that have to do with anything?
We admire your dedication to your health, even though nobody asked; hardly the time and place. The restrictive diet has made Patricia a little light-headed. What else explains this odd behavior? Please advocate for Keto on your own Facebook timeline, if you must. Let’s pivot to Lisa Marie Presley and honor her life and legacy. The point of the post was to remember and pay our respects.
Living in Social Media Bubbles
Social media can be a great escape, helping us curate the best versions of ourselves in an illusory world. It also makes us feel closer to the rich and famous, more than ever before – like this person here, convinced that Elon Musk himself sent them a follow request!
Are they the chosen ones? Is Elon about to offer them a job? The excitement is palpable, and it seems criminal to break the bad news to them. The exchange is a comment on how deceptive connections can be online. Think about it. Are Instagram friends really “friends?” And even if Elon Musk sent a follow request, is celebrity validation a priority in the grand scheme of things? Food for thought.
A Juicy Mystery
A pineapple scandal on Facebook – now we’ve seen everything! Make what you will of the cryptic "I have been accused of Pineapple!" update. Are you a pineapple? Are we pineapples? Did they steal someone's pineapple? Did they eat all the pineapple? That one would make us livid, too!
The possibilities are limitless. We need to know how this all plays out! In the meantime, we must take a moment to appreciate the absurdity. Who knew that tropical fruit could cause such drama? We're keeping a close eye on this one, and we suggest you do the same. You never know what kind of fruit-related shenanigans the world is in for next.
Decoding the Emoji
What do we have here? Is that an emoji newbie in our midst? They seem profusely apologetic about it, too! They sound so sweet - we could just dunk them in our coffee! What do all these pictures floating around mean?
Don't miss the "x" at the end of every message that could pass off as an unintentional quirky sign-off ala Gossip Girl; pretty awesome and endearing! Let’s not judge our friend for being late to the party. At least they're making an effort, and that's what counts. Their innocence and willingness to learn more than compensate for the confusion.
Checking Your Facebook List Twice
Why make a naughty or nice list when you can add random strangers to a Facebook group and check who reports you for spamming? In all seriousness, everyone ought to be more careful about who they interact with on Facebook! You never know who decides to take advantage of your holiday generosity.
People get scammed too often, and this is how it begins. On the bright side, you might get lucky, make new friends, and have a holiday to remember. Or, a Facebook group to leave, at the very least. Santa Claus isn't the only one who needs to make a list and check it twice this year!
Finding Laura
That's quite a hilarious slip-up. Facebook's search algorithm is pretty smart these days, too smart for comfort. We’re pretty sure the correct Laura profile will pop up in the results at some point – that is if she hasn't blocked her parents on Facebook. Ouch!
Until then, Mom will have to go through a bunch of Lauras on Facebook and start adding them as friends! Perhaps Mom and Laura will have a good laugh about this years from now. Hey mom! Remember that time you tried to find me on Facebook, and added hundreds of Lauras from around the world to your friends list?
The Struggle is Real
Asking your mom for her Amazon login can be like playing Russian roulette - except with much higher stakes for your sanity. You never quite know what kind of response you will get. Maybe Mom is secretly a comedian and doesn’t even know it because this is hilarious!
She's in a time zone and dimension of her own making, operating on complex delays you cannot fathom. At least she replied - which is more than you can say for other people nowadays. If you’re lucky, she might get back to you with her actual login information in another week. Meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy the absurdity of it all. Mothers – life is infinitely more interesting with them around.
Ghosts of Retail Past
That’s one way to increase the appeal of a store – if customers have a knack for the macabre, that is. The friend might still be around if he loved the place so much. It makes us wonder what kind of ghostly shenanigans he’s been up to. Has merchandise moved around lately? Do the lights flicker on and off?
The store might want to look into that. Or he could be a benevolent ghost watching over the store. Perhaps the store owes its success, in part, to his spectral presence. Whoever wrote this either misses the friend intensely or has a great sense of humor. It’s definitely a conversation starter.
Facebook Ads: a Triggering Tale
Someone seems confused about how Facebook works - bless their heart. Facebook isn’t like UPS – sadly, nobody sends us stuff through Facebook. Facebook does have targeted ads, which is a slightly disturbing conversation for another time. Meanwhile, we understand why the post might be triggering, even if the anger is misplaced.
Perhaps the person is trying to give up alcohol or is a teetotaller. You have to hand it to the author who handled the situation like a boss – assertive, polite, and respectful. It’s their page, after all, and they can post whatever they please. Whether you're a fan of boozy recipes or not, let's all take a moment to appreciate the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us who we are.
There’s Always That One Uncle
Social media can be a treasure trove of humor, and this one features a quirky uncle. Uncle has an unusual way of spreading the holiday spirit - by dropping a hospital bomb in the middle of a Merry Christmas post! That’s one way to find out your uncle is sick and in the hospital. He seems to be doing alright, though.
His holiday cheer seems intact – you know, happy and grumpy as befits the season. We wish more people had no filters like Uncle. Facebook would be a more interesting place! Uncle’s comments make you wonder about what people are feeling or where they are when they post (besides the bathroom). Who would have thought?
Birthdays and Brussel Sprouts
This person appears to have downed a few too many before commenting! Or, maybe they should get their eyes checked. It’s not every day you mistake a vegetable dish for a birthday celebration. They must really love Brussels sprouts or birthdays! But let’s give them credit for spreading random birthday cheer.
It’s similar to how some people play Christmas carols months before December. Who cares about actual dates? It’s about getting into the spirit. You can’t plan happiness around a calendar, can you? Happiness doesn’t make an appointment. It simply shows up unannounced and insists you join the ride. That’s the feeling we’re taking away from this post.
To Choose or Not to Choose
A poll with two identical options says only one of two things. You have a quirky sense of humor. Or, you’re so exhausted that you’re no longer sure what you want. It should just be a house, ok? Someone’s covering all their bases, and the results are unexpectedly refreshing.
The poll brings humor into house hunting, which we know can be mundane and exhausting. Maybe this is their way of making the process a little less stressful. Life’s too short to take things so seriously. A nonsensical poll might be just the thing for the next time we can't make a decision.
Somebody, Tell Him Already
Are you a Johnny Cash super fan? Not as much as this guy. He’s determined to know how old Johnny Cash was when he died - even if it means bombarding Facebook friends with multiple updates. Facebook can be an echo chamber, but this is a bit much.
Still, this man is channeling his inner Johnny Cash and walking the line - between persistence and annoyance. You’ve got to admire the dedication, however. Perhaps somebody, someday will answer his question. They should, before the updates become a full-blown social media saga. Until then, he would be better off relying on Google, not his Facebook “friends.” It sounds sad, but it's true.
Multi-Tasking Gone Wrong
Social media is rife with colorful discussions. The best conversations are the solo chats you have with yourself. Why work through thoughts internally when you can unleash a stream of consciousness online instead? Life was simple in the old days.
Now it’s almost as if you can’t find chicken gumbo without a calamity waiting to happen – where everything turns bubble gum pink. Listen closely, and you might even hear someone shuffling around, looking for their glasses in exasperation. Facebook, do you know what it’s like inside our brains? Who’s the genius who thought it would be fun to add colors to represent our state of mind?
From Hustling to Healing
Thank you for keeping it real on social media all the way! The entrepreneur dream isn’t for everyone. Sure, you can be your own boss and make the rules. But it can be heartbreaking – figuratively and literally, in this case.
It's not easy running a business, especially when you have to figure out everything yourself. We’re sending positive vibes their way and hope that they recover soon. Maybe this person will be back in business before we know it, ready to take on the world one self-employed venture at a time. Or they can just enjoy some well-deserved rest.
Gifs and Lessons in Silent Laughter
Mom needs a little GIF 101, and we can all agree she’s adorable. She’s feeling a little cheated, understandably. Why would anyone send her something related to Danny DeVito when you can’t hear what he’s saying? She needs to know.
You know what? So do we! He’s hilarious, after all! When DeVito’s involved, you know it will be good – even if he’s just a moving picture in your DMs and not making a sound. GIFs are great for a good old belly laugh, and few people do humor better than Danny DeVito. Mom seems content with his expressive face for the moment. Happy endings!
Prayers and Positive Thinking
Our friend here seeks prayers for their grandson, who they believe might have diabetes – and good vibes. The world is suitably confused. An entire generation obsessed with chasing good vibes now wants to know whether it was all for nothing. Do we want this medical condition?
Perhaps the grandson will get better through the power of positive thinking alone. It’s all a waiting game. We’re sending good vibes to the grandson anyway – just in case that’s what he needs. This might be a classic case of misdiagnosis. House MD would be intrigued, even if a case of “good vibes” isn’t usually his style.
Communication in the Digital Age
Someone accidentally posted their personal message in the wrong place – it happens more often than not. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt for a moment. Maybe they love Dawn and Paul, and want to share it with anyone who listens. Crossed wires in the digital age is ironic, however.
It seems like it was easier to get a message across to the right person at the right time using landlines. Look what we traded that for - a world of drunk texts, butt-dials, or accidental posts on social media that make you want to bury your head in the sand. They said the internet was supposed to make communication easier. It seems they lied.
We See a Cutie Here, Alright
Siri, you better be flattered. Nonna thinks you’re a cutie! Few things in the world can compare to her love. Nonna places us at the center of her world. It’s not every day that she turns around and asks us for help, let alone what sounds like dating advice!
The idea that Nonna might have a secret crush saved as “cutie” on her phone is adorable. We're reminded that before she became your grandma, she was her own person. How many cuties did she know? Did they make her nervous? Was she always this self-assured? Does love always hurt so much, Nonna? Plus, she legit thinks “Cutie” is an actual name. Only a nonna could be this endearing.
He Lives!
Before the internet loses its mind – Chuck Norris is alive and kicking! We’re not ready for a world without the Texas Ranger yet. With so many voices clamoring for attention on the internet, it can be hard to keep track of what's real and what's just a rumor.
Let this be another reminder to double-check our facts before hitting that “post” button. And if you do make a mistake, don't worry - it happens to the best of us. Just issue a correction, laugh it off, and carry on like Chuck Norris would. There's nothing a good roundhouse kick can't fix!
From Wholesome to Weird
Life is full of surprises, and you never know what kind of weirdness might pop up in the comments section. Here's to you, Kerry. She needs answers, and she's not afraid of killing the mood. And then there’s Mary, who insists on keeping the chat going.
This comment section nosedived into awkward territory just like that. It might be time to remind them about living rooms and Facebook, and what topics are appropriate to discuss in either one. If you're ever in doubt, remember - stick to the topic at hand. Here’s hoping their future exchanges are more flowers and fewer death inquiries.
Revealing Messages from Mom
If we know one thing for certain, messaging Mom is never straightforward. You never know what to expect. Sometimes, it can be a wild ride, and you best buckle up! One learns to anticipate the usual suspects – random missed calls and emojis out of context. This case is rare, however.
Her daughter may have learned more about mom from this message than every Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner combined! Who would have thought that mom is a Taylor Swift-loving, emoji-obsessed, and friend-appreciating individual? She’s also an ally, and our hearts could burst. All this over a message saying you’re coming home soon? Technology truly is a wonderful thing.
Carry On Salading
There seems to be a little bit of a disconnect between what the OP of this post was referring to and what the commenter was getting at. Sure, it's perfectly reasonable to bring potato salad when going camping. But this guy simply wanted to let the camping community on his Facebook page know that there was plenty of space at his location for camping and having fun.
He never mentioned a single thing about any food, never mind potatoes or even potato salads. Unless this was some weird typo for "Sure, I'm definitely going to come camping," then we're not entirely sure what happened here.
At Least She Brought Cake!
Listen folks, the older we get, the higher chances of us suffering from a stroke are with each passing year - it's just a sad fact of life. But we can't help but chuckle a little when this lady decided to share this little story on social media about the time she had a mini-stroke.
Not only did she crash into a local Mexican restaurant, but she also totaled her car. Hey, at least she lived to tell the tale and seemed to see the funny side of the situation. Otherwise, she never would have written this message, to begin with.